A Bit About Chun-Wei Lin

Dr. Lin's research experience spans multiple fields. He combined the fluorescence spectroscopy with the spectral dynamics to study the photophysical properties of organic light-emitting diode materials and excited-state proton transfer molecules in graudate studies. During his Ph. D. years in the University of Pennsylvania, He used the time-resolved infrared spectroscopy to study the folding mechanism of protein molecules. He further expanded his research to the field of viral protein and successfully resolved the conformational dynamics of influenza A M2 proton channel during the infection. In addition, Dr. Lin demonstrated his ability in theoretical modeling. He used one-dimensional Ising model to simplify the protein system to simulate the folding process of protein. He successfully extracted the key folding information, the nucleation and propagation rate constants, in the field of protein folding using the previously published experimental data. As a postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Lin again expanded his research to cell biology. Dr. Lin first published his study in PNAS using nanopore material to introduce different proteins into cells and make the world’s first three-color single-molecule measurement interrogating the interaction among three different proteins in a single cell. Dr. Lin also made another breakthrough in the research of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). EGFR controls the proliferation of cells. It is overexpressed or hyperactivated due to the mutations in several types of cancer cells, He showed that EGFR forms clusters with the downstream protein in the signaling pathway upon activation and undergoes protein phase transition on the two-dimensional lipid membrane.
Research Experience
Sep 2017 - June 2022
Postdoc: UC Berkeley.
Sep 2011 - June 2017
PhD: University of Pennsylvania
Sep 2006 - June 2008
Master: National Taiwan University
Sep 2002 - June 2006
College: : National Chiao Tung University University
Using TIRF imaging to perform single-molecule tracking on EGFR and downstream signaling
Advisor: Prof. John Kuriyan
Advisor: Prof. Jay T. Groves
Thesis title: “New Methods to Assess Protein Folding and Conformational Dynamics”
Advisor: Prof. Feng Gai
Thesis title: “Studies of the Photophysical Properties and Kinetics in Photo-Induced Isomerization, Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer and Heavy-Metal
Enhanced Phosphorescence”
Advisor: Prof. Pi-Tai Chou
Thesis title: “Synthesis and Properties of Novel Liquid Crystals”
Advisor: Prof. Chain-Shu Hsu